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Your contribution will be supplemented by scientific knowledge and experience of the world-class personalities from Civil Engineering field and from National Scientific Research Council (CNCS). Until now we have the support of the following keynote speakers. Many more speakers will be added in coming weeks.
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Prof. Valeriu STOIAN“Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Head of Civil Engineering Department, Romania Retrofit of cut-out weakened precast RC panels by externally bonded CFRP composites Dr. Valeriu Stoian is a Professor of Civil and Structural Engineering at The “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania. Currently, he is the head of Civil Engineering Department and Director of The Research Center for Construction Rehabilitation (RECO). His presentation will include a short description of recent research programs from Civil Engineering Department , and will focus on civil engineering applications of strengthening solutions using polymeric composites. Professor Stoian is a Fellow Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers (ISE), member of International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), member of the International Federation for Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB), member of the International Institute of Fiber Reinforced Composite (IIFC), member of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISMII). He is also member of Romanian Association of Structural Engineers (AICPS). As a highly respected researcher, Prof. Stoian is currently coordinating a series of projects financed or on behalf of the Romanian Government and the National Council for Scientific Research. His research interests are related to the use of advanced techniques for structural rehabilitation in Civil Engineering, steel-concrete composite structures, structural health monitoring and energy efficiency in buildings. |
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Serban TIGANASPresident of the Romanian Architects Order The Architect and the Engineer, Partners or Competitors? Everything is about building. Since ages the emperor, the sacerdot and the architect where sitting in front of the people covering the now and the forever. Building, conquering, replacing, competing is about power, ambitions, needs, progress and life. The roles are changing, the figures are transforming and building becomes a complex process of which architects and engineers cannot be ignored. Which are the new positions of these professionals at the eve of the new paradigm of sustainable construction, this is the question. Are architects and engineers competing for becoming the champions of the field of constructions or are they joining forces in order to enable the mutation towards another quality of the built environment? To answer the question I’ve listened to the masters and tried to understand the “Common ground”, as seeks the latest Architecture Biennale in Venice generic title. |
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Prof. Dan DUBINAPolitechnical University of Timisoara, Civil Engineering Faculty, Romania Experiment asisted design and research of steel structures for seismic actions. The presentation will be structured as a summary of research studies for new or reviewed solutions in civil engineering. The topic is interesting and exciting at the same time. From his large list of awards we are proud to mention: “Anghel saligny” prize awarded by the Romanian Academy in 1990, European Steel Structure Convention Troffee, Steel design Award in 2003 and 2007, Best Conference Paper, at ICTWS, Loughborough, U.K, in 2004. |
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Prof. Nicolae TaranuTechnical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty, Romania Research Programs on Polymeric Composites Applications in Civil Engineering Dr. Nicolae Taranu is a Professor of Civil and Structural Engineering at The Technical University of Iasi, Romania. His research interests are related to the use of advanced polymeric composites in Civil Engineering, light weight construction elements, structural safety and building aerodynamics. His presentation will include a short description of taught and research programs from Civil Engineering Faculty, and will further focus on civil engineering applications of polymeric composites (all composite structures sandwich construction, FRP strengthening solutions, optimization of composites). Professor Taranu is a Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences and of Romanian Association of Structural Engineers. He is also a member of International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), member of American Society for testing and Materials (ASTM), member of the International Council for Building Research and Documentation, CIB-W-89 and President of the Academic Society “A. Sesan”, Romania. |
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Prof. Cornelia MAGUREANUTechnical University of Cluj Napoca, Civil Engineering Faculty, Romania Research opportunity and researchers from concrete field. Prof, PhD, Eng. Cornelia MAGUREANU is member of Structures Department of Civil Engineering Faculty – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. With a highly appreciated activity in concrete research field, prof. Magureanu is presently leading the Concrete, Precast Concrete Research for Infrastructures and Suprastructures Laboratory. In 2005 she was awarded the “Anghel Saligny” prize from the Romanian Academy. Presently Prof. Magureanu is supervising ten PhD candidates. Until now, six candidates graduated under her supervision. As a highly respected researcher, Prof. Magureanu is currently coordinating a series of projects financed or on behalf of the Romanian Government and the National Council for Scientific Research. |
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Prof. Balazs L. GYORGYBudapest University of Technology and Economics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Hungary PhD students as possible future professors György L. Balázs is a professor of structural engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Currently, he is also the President of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB). While he was responsible for the whole PhD studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Budapest, he founded the International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering for candidates who are elaborating their scientific research. It was founded in 1996 and since then gained international recognition. The objectives of the PhD Symposia are still applicable today: He is sure that the present PhD Symposium in Cluj-Napoca will also be an important aid for the researchers who will present their work here. |
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Prof. Cosmin CHIOREANTechnical University of Cluj Napoca, Civil Engineering Faculty, Romania Seismic performance assessment of 3D composite steel-concrete frameworks using advanced nonlinear static analysis method With the rapid advancement of computer technology, research works are currently in full swing to develop advanced nonlinear inelastic analysis methods and integrate them into new and more rational advanced analysis and design procedures. The need for accurate yet computational efficient tools for the non-linear inelastic analysis of 3D frame structures (steel and composite steel-concrete) forms the main motivation behind of the research activities conducted in last years at Department of Structural Mechanics from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN), Romania. His talk will try to summarize some of the results obtained on this topic by research groups from TUCN and also will be presented an efficient integrated system for both advanced structural analysis and performance based seismic evaluation tool for approaching real large-scale 3D semi-rigid steel and composite steel-concrete frameworks, fulfilling the practical and advanced analysis requirements. For more information pleas visit the website http://users.utcluj.ro/~ccosmin/ |