Dr. Alexandru Căbuz – Undergraduate school at University of Wisconsin at Madison, triple major in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics. Graduated 2002. Doctor in condensed matter physics at Université de Montpellier II FRANCE. Graduated 2007. Post-doctoral fellowship in the Neural Computing Research Group, Aston University, Birmingham UK, March-August 2008. Post-doctoral fellowship at the Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France, 12/2008-12/2009. Research engineer at the CNRS, Groupe d’Etude des Semiconducteurs, Montpellier France. Currently is researcher at Romanian Institute of Science and Technology implementing the researchforindustry.ro project, whose objective is to bridge the gap between research and industry in Romania, through visibility and mentorship. The platform includes twin databases with applied research labs and high-tech industry in Romania, as well as training and mentorship materials, including video tutorials on technology and product development. Main Publications: D. Felbacq, A. I. Căbuz and B. Guizal. Spatial dispersion in an array of metallic nanorods . Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, pp. 051512-1, 2011; A. I. Căbuz, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, D. Felbacq and G. Bouchitté. Homogenization of nonlocal wire metamaterial via a renormalization approach . Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 28, p. 1275, 2011; A. I. Cabuz, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, D. Felbacq. Effective medium theory for the finite conductivity bed of nails structure. TACONA International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nanophotonics, 2009; K. Vynck, D. Felbacq, E. Centeno, A. I. Cabuz, D. Cassagne, B. Guizal. All-Dielectric Rod-Type Metamaterials at Optical Frequencies. Physical Review Letters, 102, p. 133901, 2009; A. I. Cabuz, D. Felbacq and D. Cassagne. Spatial dispersion in negative index composite metamaterials. Physical Review A, 77, p. 013807, 2008; A. I. Cabuz, D. Felbacq and D. Cassagne. Homogenization of Negative-Index Composite Metamaterials: A Two-Step Approach. Physical Review Letters, 98, p. 037403, 2007; Alexandru I Cabuz, Didier Felbacq. Toward a constructive homogenization theory of composite metamaterials. In Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting 2006, pp. 0919-J03-0. 2006; A. I. Cabuz, E. Centeno, and D. Cassagne. Superprism effect in bidimensional rectangular photonic crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 84, pp. 2031-2033, 2004.