First Call Anouncement

First Announcement and Call for Papers
2nd International Conference for PhD students in Civil Engineering
“New Researcher Generation with Challenges in Civil Engineering”
CE PhD 2014, 10 – 13 December 2014,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dear PhD student,
Dear PhD supervisor,
On behalf of the organizing committee, after a successful first edition (540 participants, 198 abstracts, 102 published full papers, 56 papers presented in 6 parallel sessions, 7 keynote speakers, 28 papers published in an Acta Tehnica Napocensis Civil Engineering and Architecture special issue, site visits and social program), we are delighted to invite you to participate in the second edition of the international conference Civil Engineering PhD 2014 (
The conference, jointly organized by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Building Services and Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning in partnership with SEnS Group, provides the forum for young researchers, supervisors, experts involved in PhD civil engineering research programs, academics and practitioners to discuss and review latest developments in the broad area of civil engineering. Experts from academic and non-academic entities will be invited in order to discover new opportunities and make new connections.

Objectives and scope

The conference conceives to give PhD students instructive feedback, to promote the new scientific generation in civil engineering and to develop stronger and more organized relationships between scientific community members and institutions.
A number of special sessions will be organized at this conference and several keynote lectures presented by the experts will take place during the conference. Lectures will highlight areas of research and current topics, emphasizing the results obtained so far and also providing an overview of the possible opportunities for regional and international collaboration. In this respect several personalities from CNCS (National Research Council), CNATDCU (National Council for the Recognition of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates) and other academic related institutions will be invited.
Certificates of Excellence will be awarded to best papers from research students. All the information about the Conference is available at:

Areas of research and conference topics

Young researchers in civil engineering who are writing their PhD thesis will be able to make presentations of their work-in-progress and give/receive feedback while being in touch with the international scientific community. The conference will run in a number of parallel sessions covering the following (but not limited to) main fields:

  • Structural analysis, design and risk assessment
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Roads, bridges and railways engineering
  • Building materials
  • Energy efficient and sustainable buildings
  • Processes, management and construction technologies
  • Building services and renewable energy
  • Architecture and urban planning
  • Hydro technical engineering and water&waste management
  • Land measurement
  • Smart technologies in civil engineering, architecture and building services

Each session will be coordinated by international experts who will convene the corresponding sessions. The international scientific committee will manage abstracts and full paper review, permanently providing guidance for authors.

Important dates

5th May

31st May
Astract submission
12th May

10th June
Notification of acceptance (abstract)
15th JulyRegistration open
8th September

18th October
Full paper submission
6th October

10th November
Notification of acceptance (full paper)
18th October

25th October
Early registration closed
10th November

15th November
Final paper submission

10th - 13th December


Submission of abstracts/papers

Abstract should be a single page of about 500 words (supplemented by one or two figures) covering objectives of paper and indicating the main findings, conclusions and references. All abstracts, written in clear English, are to be submitted online ( -> Paper submission) and will be subject to review on the basis of applicability to the conference theme and topics.


The language of the conference will be English including the communication of presentations and the publication of the conference proceedings.
Publication of papers
Only those refereed papers presented at the conference will be published in the bound volume of the Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for PhD students in Civil Engineering. In addition a selection of papers will be chosen as those which are considered to be associated with a high degree of quality research and authors will be asked for extended versions of these to be published in a Special Issue of the journal Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture (


The registration fee is yet to be determined and details will be available on the conference website in due course ( The full registration form will be made available on the conference website in due course and we will try to maintain the registration fee as low as possible.

Youth @ Cluj 2015

Besides all the professional aspects of your participation at the conference, you can enjoy the beauties of the future European Youth Capital. Events, venues, entertainment and more provided and designed especially for young people. Will definitely be a visit to remember.
We are looking forward to receiving your contribution and to welcome you in Cluj-Napoca at CE PhD 2014.
The Organizers committee CE PhD 2014
Tel: +40 751 551 492


Download the First Call Document

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  • The conference is inspiring firstly for those who do research. The participants can draw a comparison between and compete with each others.

    Șerban ȚIGĂNAȘ, Romania
  • We can all get together in an international ambient, to discuss results and to find new partners from other universities

    György L. BALÁZS, Hungary
  • I found the conference very interesting. I think it’s a good way to share ideas with other researchers from Romania and from other countries

    Árpád RÓZSAS, Hungary
  • As a first event, it’s a succesfull one, has to be continued and I congratulate the Faculty and the University

    Petru PETRINA, USA